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is a small scale recording studio that records musicians and the spoken word. Elephant Studio is also the name of my creative space. Once a cabinet shop, it is now a home office, a place to play music and a quiet place to sit. It has been acoustically engineered, equipped with an antique french parlor stove and wired for the free world.
Open Source Songs (coming soon)
is a web platform from which to share music created from within my own local community. This would include Elephant Studio work and other musical happening in the Merrymeeting Bay area. Mp3’s available.
is a web design business that has developed out of the necessity to communicate with each other in this day and age. Its soul purpose is to help individuals, small businesses, schools and non-profits achieve their goals of reaching others with their message, services and products.
As a member of Servas, a worldwide cooperative cultural exchange network, we have enjoyed hosting various world travelers over the last ten years from such areas of the Earth as, Chine, Israel, Austria, France, Canada and areas within the US. Servas is composed of member hosts and travelers working together to foster peace, goodwill and mutual respect. This international community of friends works together on a volunteer basis to create a climate of mutual understanding and tolerance.
“ an hour for an hour service exchange membership organization. The service exchange system is based on the age-old principles of compassion, mutual responsibility and respect, known as the Core Economy. This system is fundamentally different from a cash economy. When using social currency your capital is never restricted to the numbers on your bank statement. Rather than being completely dependent on the financial fluctuations of your employer, Wall Street, and international business, your wealth is bolstered by the use of your own talents and that of the membership.” (coming soon)
is a site containg readings on sustainability and other community minded interests. It also offers the service of setting up the Cyclos Time Bank program with supporting web page.